Mobile Banking Platform

Mobile Banking Platform

NCMoblet, a product of 'n.Cloud Pvt. Ltd.', simply stands for 'n.Cloud Mobile Wallet'. It is an application that provides the users an ability to execute core banking functions via the active accounts, registered with the major financial institutions in the country, especially commercial and development banks and co-operatives. Additionally, it also provides features to pay bills for all of the major utility services like Prepaid and Postpaid Mobiles, PSTN, Internet and TV Cable. 

PayKendra is an online payment gateway for Nepal that enables online payment for transactions and value-added services at the point of sales. We specialize in secure Real-Time transaction processing service and support; PayKendra online payment gateway performs payment authorization and authentication, and makes settlement of funds between financial Institutions, Merchant and User (Customer). 
Owing to the revolution in e-commerce, customers find it much easier to order/pay for items through internet. E-Commerce Sites generally accept payments through Bank Cards, Internet Banking or Cheque. However, the clearance procedure for Cheque payment or Card payment is long and the Merchant has to wait for a long time to receive payment confirmation ad amount Moreover, payment through internet banking is a better option compared to card and cheque payment. With this system, your customers can pay quickly and easily with just a few clicks through PayKendra gateway. This will boost your transactions and will increase organizational reach in undiscovered market and guarantees payment that generates high revenue. 

PayKendra is an online payment gateway allowing payment to be made through the Internet. PayKendra is Nepal's on online payment gateway backend with communication mechanism created and hosted by n.Cloud Pvt. Ltd. facilitate online payment for various services and products.