
 Automated Fare Collection

Automated Fare Collection

The increasing use of electronic ticketing systems in the international market has influenced many transport companies and developed this process in many other industrial sectors too. So now we, NCLOUD have also started this totally new concept to our country Nepal, from the field of transport sector and are planning to forward in other feasible sectors too. 

E-Ticketing system basically refers to the automated process of collecting the fare price via different automated devices. In context to E-Ticketing system we, n.Cloud have introduced the latest technique of collecting fare by printing ticketing electronically and deducting the fare from Smart Card.

Currently, we have introduced two kinds of devices – Handheld and Wall Mount devices. In Handheld devices we allow conductors to carry the device and print the ticket. In Wall Mount device we place the devices static in the particular place.     

Among those advantages, we can highlight the replacing of physical means by information management that, besides speeding up the procedures, allows a better control of the operation, with less effort, consequently resulting in a lower operational cost.



It is important to know that Transport Company will handle all responsibilities of this NFC-Based Ticketing System. Transport Company may also appoint Ticketing Agent in different places of city to issue Pre-Paid NFC cards. 

1. Transport Company will ask Ticketing Agent to be a registered member in the system. 

  1. Ticketing Agent or Transport Company will issue NFC-Based card and will sale to passengers, and also will activate the card.
  2. In the Ticketing booth, Passenger also will be able to recharge or top-up. 
  3. Now card is ready for travelling and there will be a terminal in each Bus.
  4. After boarding to the Bus, Passenger will tap his card on the terminal, terminal will send GPS data and Passenger information to Server.
  5. At the time of exiting from Bus, Passenger again will tap his card on the terminal, terminal will send GPS data and Passenger information to Server.
  6. Server will calculate fare depending on the boarding place and existing place.
  7. End of the process. 


NFC-Based card will be of 2 types. 

  1. Fixed price and one time card. 
  2. Fixed card and recharge any time. 

  3. Fixed price and one time card: 

For this type of card passenger need not to provide any information to Ticketing Agent during purchasing. Recharge is NOT possible. 

  1. Fixed card and recharge any time: 

For this type of card passenger MUST provide the detail information, including identification proof (mobile number, photo), to agent’s application, so that agent can active his card. This information will be saved in server side as a registered member, so that for any purpose this information can be used. For instance, recharging, reporting, card-losing, card-closing etc.


Recharge can be accomplished in the following way, 

  1. Agent's or Transport Company Mobile Application. 
  2. Online Web Based Application. 
  3. Client's Mobile Application (through Mobile Banking service). 
  4. Sending SMS by authorized Agent. 

  5. Agent's or Transport Company Mobile Application: 

Agent or TC will have an application in his smart phone, and through this application passenger will have the recharge facility. 


  1. Online Web Based Application: Passenger must have to have a bank account. By providing account information in a particular Bank web application, passenger will be able to recharge his card

  2. Client's Mobile Application (through Mobile Banking service): Before using this application in passenger's smart phone, he has to ensure that he uses mobile banking service. This application will prompt two option like, pay card fee from Bank account and pay card fee from Mobile Banking Service. 


  1. Sending SMS by authorized Agent: Passenger will have a card ID printed in his NFC card, and this ID will be used to send SMS. Then agent will send a SMS with predefined format to a specific number. Which might be like this, Card_ID amount Agent_ID 
    XX2121233 100 xxxx6577 Upon successful SMS delivering, agent will receive an OTP (One Time Password). Then agent will insert and send this OTP again. Finally, passenger as well as agent will receive a confirmation notification. 


Bus will a have Terminal, Smart Phone or a Device having NFC, GPS, Modem (3G/4G), and WIFI. 

This device will be installed inside the bus or would be carried by the bus conductor.


Client or passenger will have, 
I. Contactless Card which will be provided to consumer. 
II. A software/application in smart phone or in computer, so that he can recharge his card alone any time. 


Agent or TC will have, 
1. A basic phone, smart phone or computer to register passenger or to recharge passenger's card. 
2. A software/application in smart phone or in computer. 


Steps of pay for a trip are as follow:

  1. Consumer boards on the bus. 
    II. Consumer touches the NFC Reader with the bus conductor/driver. 
    III. Consumer reaches his/her desired destination. 
    IV. Consumer then touches the NFC Reader before getting off the bus. 
    V. The fee is calculated based on the distance travelled or any other fee calculation model shown in the diagram. 

    We also offer Offline E-ticketing Solution (No need Internet Connection in the Bus/Micro/Tempo). 
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